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Low-Carb Whipped Pudding with Strawberries

Keto Dessert — How to Indulge Without Guilt or Gain (Even When “Sweet” Is Your Weakness)

You’ve seen it yourself. Today, there are a gazillion dessert recipes.

Cookies, cakes, chocolates, candies, pies, pastries, puddings — the options are vast. Should you go for all (or any) of them?

gazillion dessert recipes

That’s a fair question. But the query that brings everything into perspective is this: Will your go-to option crack the delicate balance between indulging in tasty treats and fitting a healthy lifestyle? 

After all, nearly every dessert is sweet — perfect for your sweet tooth.

But for the most part, they also entail refined carbs, trans-fats, and simple sugars. Should you worry about them derailing your healthy dieting effort?

Let’s find out.

3 Harsh Realities of Carb Desserts (Even When You’re Not on a Keto or Low-Carb Diet)

Harsh Realities of Carb Desserts

A dessert is like a mental itch.

It isn’t strictly necessary (at least from a nutritional standpoint). But nearly everyone — even those on a sugar-free diet — want to end their main meal with something sweet.

There’s no shame in that.

However, it might intrigue you to know that shifting from carb desserts to healthier options is a pretty big lifestyle choice — even when you’re not on a low-carb diet or living a ketogenic lifestyle.

Not because traditional desserts are bad necessarily, but because nobody is telling the whole story. 

So here’s the truth.

Harsh Reality #1: Most Carb Desserts Compromise on Nourishment for “Sweet” 

Like any other serious person who’s conscious about health, you probably want every bite to nourish you — including with desserts.

But for the most part, sweet desserts compromise on nourishment. 

They have fillers, processed sugar, white flour, gluten, and are high in carbs. And science says that such composition in today’s food is what induces most chronic diseases afflicting Americans.

Too much white flour, processed sugar, and agave nectar contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and even cancer.

However, when sugar cravings strike, nearly everyone searches for luscious dessert recipes:

  • Brownies
  • Pies
  • Cakes
  • Ice creams

Don’t get us wrong, there’s no problem with such desserts. 

But when they overlook the nutritional value, every bite stops counting towards making you healthy. And that might be a call to reconsider your dessert choices.

However, changing a dessert shouldn’t compromise your cravings for “sweet.” Instead, it should be a replacement of ingredients to strike the right balance between yummy and low-carb treats.

Harsh Reality #2: Traditional Desserts Undermine Your Gut’s Health

Traditional Desserts Undermine Your Gut’s Health

Yes, sugar is good. It prevents good microbes from colonizing your gut.

After all, your digestive-tract homes far more than just human cells — there are a gazillion bacteria that make their lodgings there.

But overindulging in “sweet” might develop metabolic dysregulation and inflammation, meaning excess sugar might feed and multiply pathogenic organisms in your gut to inhibit the useful microbiome’s function.

You’d think this is a processed-sugar problem. Unfortunately, the pathogenic organisms are non-discriminating — they feed on unrefined sweeteners like maple syrup, raw honey, coconut sugar, or even high fructose corn syrup.

What’s the solution then?

Tune into a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb option like a keto-friendly beef stick. That way, you can keep pathogenic organisms under control and have a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut.

Harsh Reality #3: Traditional Desserts Contribute to Blood Sugar Imbalance

It’s no secret that diabetes runs in families today. And while hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is scary, it isn’t the big problem.

The huge problem is sharp spikes of insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar) in the body. Desserts are culprits of this — sudden rises and drops of blood sugar levels — making one irritable and tired.

They contain refined carbs, trans-fats, and added sugars, which hugely relate to sugar imbalances.

However, you should not confuse avoiding carb desserts with a no-carb diet.

If anything, it’s the opposite. Carbs are the body's primary source of energy — muscles, organs, as well as the brain, liver, and heart all rely on sugar as their energy source.

Taking in simple carbohydrates alone is dangerous because they quickly get into your bloodstream, resulting in a blood sugar spike.

The big secret?

Take complex carbohydrates like whole grains. That way, you introduce sugar to the blood at a slower and gradual rate. Alternatively, you can eat carbs with protein, healthy fats, and fiber to slow down the absorption rate.

That said, here’s a follow-up question:

How Can You Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Going Off Limits?

An entire lifetime of no dessert is hard because sweet is one of the five tastes that make food great.

Knowing that, one solution should work mighty fine.

Go Keto Dessert — a Sugar-Free Approach

It’s easy to wonder:

“Why should I worry about a keto or low-carb dessert when I have a strong craving for carbs?”

Is it even logical?

To answer that question correctly, you’ll first want to know what keto dessert is.

What’s Keto Dessert?

Keto dessert is a high-fat, moderately high protein, and low carb dessert.

At its core, it aims at regulating net carbs by forcing the body into “ketosis” — a metabolic condition where the body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.

The Staggering Difference Between Keto Recipes and Other Dessert Recipes

Keto desserts recipes vary, but for the most part the ingredients entail:

  • Coconut flour and almond coconut flour
  •  Full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream
  • Heavy whipping cream
  •  Full fat cream cheese
  •  Nuts or seeds
  • Berries cranberries, lemon, and lime
  • Cacao powder, cocoa butter, and stevia-sweetened chocolate chips
  • Unsweetened, shredded coconut
  • Almond, pecan, and peanut butter
  • Eggs
  • Fats like butter ghee, coconut oil, and avocado oil

What further sets keto desserts apart is that they lack grains and grain-based flours, as well as any form of sugar or whole sweeteners like honey or maple syrup.

So what makes keto desserts sweet?

Short answer:

A combination of several keto-friendly sweeteners. The most common ones include:

  •  Monkfruit
  •  Erythritol
  • Xylitol
  • Stevia

The best part?

It’s possible to enjoy a keto dessert without going the prepare-the-best-keto-dessert-recipe way. You can buy an already-prepared option, whet your dessert appetite, and remain on track with your diet.

But the big question is:

Why Go Keto Dessert Instead of the Traditional Way?

You’ll Satisfy Sugar Cravings Without Sugar, Suiting a Low Carb Lifestyle

If you’ve ever been a cookie lover, you know how tough it can be to fight sugar cravings. 

More importantly, you understand that the first step to a healthier lifestyle is cutting down your sugar intake.

And it isn’t always easy.

But it doesn’t have to be that way — low-carb desserts present a way to deal with sugar cravings without the sugar.

Keto desserts replace sugar with keto-friendly sweeteners to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Keto Desserts Leave You  Nourished

Unlike a traditional dessert that overlooks ingredients, a keto dessert offers you sweet treats and nourishment, too. 

For instance, if you go for a low-carb keto, like keto chocolate, it will satisfy your cravings for carbs and cater to your nutrient needs. 

And it isn’t a must you enter the kitchen for a healthy dessert.

Today, it’s possible to order a spicy, nutrient-dense, keto-friendly, and gluten-free dessert that doesn’t compromise your health but satisfies your appetite for sugar.

Low-Carbs Composition Is a Fat Bomb (Even When It Utilizes Peanut Butter)

By now, you know that every keto dessert is sugar and grain-flour free. 

These two properties make keto desserts friendly for people watching their weight or reducing body fat content.

That doesn’t change even when you go for the right already-prepared option.

Zap “Sweet” Craving the Right Way 

Keto dessert doesn’t mean a lifetime of no “sweet.”

After all, sweet is one of the five tastes that make food great. When we eat food with all five — sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami — it’s easier to enjoy food more and feel satisfied.

But sweet and healthy is a rare combination to come across in the dessert world, unless you make your own. And preparing a dessert can be a tiring task.

But that shouldn’t be an obstacle.

At Mission Meats, we shoulder all the heavy-keto-dessert-preparation for you so that by the time your cravings strike, you get a sugar-free, gluten-free, keto-friendly, and yummy dessert option. 

Order a keto healthy option today to crack the delicate balance between yummy and low-carbs — without all the preparation time.

Featured Image from:commons.wikimedia.org



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